Teaching Philosophy
The constant development of my teaching style is as important to me as the subject matter of a course. In my fifteen years of college-level teaching, I have embraced a student-centered or liberatory model of teaching, which emphasizes critical thought and centers care as important to the development of motivated and socially proactive students. Central to my teaching is my belief that the classroom should be a space for encouraging open and thought-provoking discussion.
“As always thank you for continuing to believe and work with me. It means more to me than you will ever know.”
Student, 2021
“I appreciate you as a professor, professors like you are the reason why I stayed in school for so many years and to pursue a higher degree, I just wanted to thank you for being a great professor as a whole, making classes interesting and engaging, and I have learned a lot from your lectures that I can now apply into my life. Thank you.”
Student, 2022
“In addition to being my advisor I thoroughly enjoyed your classes at St. Ambrose and attribute much of my knowledge of the criminal justice field to you.”
Student, 2020

Undergraduate Courses Taught
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Research Methods
Contemporary Corrections
Juvenile Justice
Criminological Theory
Individual Research
Comparative Justice Systems
Introduction to Sociology
Research Methods
Drugs and Society
Media and Society
Sociology Through Literature
Criminal Justice and the Media
Modern Crime Literature
Graduate Courses Taught
Masters of Science in Criminal Justice
Criminological Theory
Advanced Criminological Theory
International Crime and Justice Issues
Workshop (Peacemaking Criminology)
Serial Homicide
Crime Policy Analysis
Advanced Research Methods
Applications for Criminal Justice Writing
Comparative Justice Systems
Contemporary Issues in Juvenile Justice
Seminar in Corrections
Research 1
Thinking Critically about Criminal Justice
Final Paper